Thursday, June 26, 2008

A baby boy?

A recurring conversation Claire and I have goes something like this:

Claire: (Makes flying sounds with arms spread out.) "Airplane."
Monica: "You're an airplane."
Claire: "Yep. Fly China."
Monica: "You're flying to China. What will you do there?"
Claire: "Baby Boy. Hug Baby Boy."

Various things trigger this conversation. Sometimes it's the second child seat in a grocery cart, sometimes it's the second seat in her wagon. Quite often the conversation includes a suggestion from me that it might be a baby girl, at which point Claire shakes her head from side to side and says firmly, "Baby boy."

Claire is right: our second child could be a boy. We recently switched from China's non-special needs program to its Waiting Child program, through which children with minor medical needs are available for international adoption. Our coordinator tells us that their list of children usually has an equal number of boys and girls, and we're definitely open to either. But we already know Claire's preference ...


Kim said...

WOW... how exciting .. sounds like you might have a referral sooner then you expect... And I am thinking that it will probably be a little brother for Claire.. because you know.. she is VERY SMART..
HUGS girly.
Can't wait to follow your journey..
I am thinking that a little girl and a little boy.. are the BEST..

Rae said...

Claire will be an amazing jie jie! It sounds like she's pretty excited about having a sibling.

We're so excited for you and can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl. A boy would be a really great reason to go on a big shopping spree!

Jednet said...

Well, I'm a little biased to having a boy as the second child. Of course Claire could end up as either a mie-mie or a jie-jie (although I doubt that's what you want - it is wonderful though. Anything can happen in this crazy journey. Since many people still ask for only girls from China, it's possible you could have an earlier referral if you are open to a boy. So, here's hoping that Claire is right and that seat beside her is taken up by a little fellow and that it happens sooner than later!


Shea said...

Congratulations on your switch to the Waiting Child program. I can't wait to see if a little boy or girl joins your family. Claire will make an excellent big sister. That's funny that she's set on a baby brother. Has she suggested any names yet??? My niece Ella kept calling Beckett "Bob", even before he was born.