Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another step closer

We learned today that we received provincial approval of our switch to the Waiting Child program! We're another step closer!

The timeframe for receiving a child proposal is really up in the air right now, due to some new procedures the Chinese government is piloting. More children are now available to our coordinator to match with waiting parents - seemingly great news! - but with that comes a very short time during which our provincial government has to review and approve the child proposal and share it with us. At this point, it looks like we could receive a proposal in as short a time as a month but on the other hand, it could be a year from now. Only time will tell. I do know that everyone we're working with is in our corner and wants the best for us, so I'm remaining cautiously optimistic and hopeful.

With the possibilility of a relatively short wait time, nesting instincts have really kicked in for us. (But especially for me!) We've now decided on a name if it is a boy, as well as a new name for this blog. If one day you open this blog and see an entirely different name, don't be surprised!


Rae said...

OK, you've piqued my curiosity but I bet you aren't sharing the name you've picked, right? (Drat!)

We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for an early match and can't wait to see the new name of your blog.

Jednet said...

Ohhh...Please let it be a boy! I'm dying to know what name you've chosen. The only thing I know for sure is that it isn't 'Pablo'.

Have you chosen a girl's name too? I guess you wouldn't share that either ???

I'm on pins and needles hoping that you are matched sooner rather than later.


Shea said...

Congratulations! That's exciting news.

I like the changes to your blog that make it a little more gender-neutral. It's exciting to wonder about whether you'll be adding a son or daughter to the family. I know you'll be thrilled either way.

Kath said...

Congratulations on getting through the provincial hurdle. I hope you get little Pablo's proposal soon! Or will it be Pablette? ;-)