Our adoption agency just signed off on our Home Study, so it's now with the Alberta government for approval. Yay!
BTW, it usually doesn't take this long for a Home Study report to be prepared; however, since we can't be in logged-in in China until after February 5, 2008, we told our adoption agency that there was no rush. However, now I'm starting to think we should have got it done a little earlier because:
- the Alberta government will take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to approve it (which could take us to December 18);
- it then goes to our coordinator for translation which could take a month or more (roughly January 18);
- it then gets returned to our provincial government who submits it to China (roughly another week or two?); and
- China then logs it in when it can (which can take anywhere from days to a month - for Claire, we got logged in about three weeks after our dossier arrived in China.)
So, for all we know, we won't get logged in until March. It doesn't sound like much of a delay, but due to the number of applicants, the CCAA is sometimes taking months of real time to get through a month of applicants. As a result, a one month delay on the part of us getting logged in could mean a referral several months later than planned. Oh well. As we learned with Claire, the wait simply means that the baby you are meant to be with isn't ready for adoption yet.