The day after we accepted Ren's proposal, I headed over to a nice little kids' shop in our neighbourhood and splurged on some items I had been eyeing up. I love the dragon fabric on the long-sleeved shirt. Since I'm a tiger in the Chinese zodiac, I had to get the green t-shirt with the tiger for my boy.

Last week, Paul, Claire and I had another great shopping adventure. I had been looking everywhere for toddler boys' shorts on sale (in case it's hot in Ren's home province when we get there) but I was having no luck at all. That is, until my friend Rae reminded me of the Children's Place outlet here in town. Jackpot! Great cargo-style shorts were on sale for $1.99 each! Isn't that insane? For that price, I decided to get four pairs in different colours in size 24 months and the same selection in size 18-24 months just in case he's on the leaner side. Usually Claire and I do most of the shopping on our own so it was really fun to have Paul there, helping to pick out his son's clothes.
In other shopping news, I now have all the items for Ren's care package ready, except for the disposable camera. Our coordinator will carry over our package to China in late November so I still have a little bit of time to get it ready. Claire and I picked out most of the items together - it was a lot of fun! I'll post a pic of the items soon.
On the topic of Claire, she is finally calling her little brother by the name Ren. It switched over from James to Ren on Thanksgiving weekend. I was actually starting to worry; what if she always called him James? Would we have to consider including that name in his string of names?
I'm still hoping every day when I open my email that I'll find an update on Ren there from our coordinator. Some families in the Waiting Child program get updated photos and even measurements just days after they send in their Letter of Intent. We sent ours in 2 weeks ago so I think if an update is coming, we could receive it anyday. We're dying to see his sweet little face in new pics!