I'm drawn back to what we were doing two years ago on December 3, when Ren was born.
Paul and I had just spent an amazing weekend in Jasper. We went there to celebrate Paul's birthday but it turned into a different sort of celebration when, on the drive there, we received the call we'd been waiting nearly two years for: we had been matched with a baby girl in China! Claire Caiwen entered our reality that day - December 1, 2006 - and life has never been the same.
What we didn't know at the time is that we actually became parents twice over that weekend. As we revelled in the joy of seeing Claire's face for the first time, the boy who would become our second child was born into the world. In hindsight, it's no wonder our joy was so great and the weekend so magical to us.
And yet I can't help but consider that at the same time we were preparing to accept our beautiful little Claire into our lives, Ren's birth family was faced with the opposite situation. How strange that our two children's lives were changing enormously at the same time in nearly opposite ways, unbeknownst to them.
Ever since we received Claire's proposal on December 1, I've thought of early December as a magical time where our family became a reality. That still holds true, especially now that we know our son was born that same weekend. But now I also think of another family - Ren's birth family - who experienced a great loss at the same that our family was forming. They will always be in our thoughts.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The countdown continues while Paul's head swells ...
We are now on day 51 of our wait for the Letter Seeking Confirmation.
In other news, Paul's head continues to swell as comments come in that Ren is so very handsome, and oh, doesn't he look like Paul?! Paul has of course inferred that y'all think HE is stupendously handsome. What a guy.
In other news, Paul's head continues to swell as comments come in that Ren is so very handsome, and oh, doesn't he look like Paul?! Paul has of course inferred that y'all think HE is stupendously handsome. What a guy.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Zhuhai City Social Welfare Institute
Through the yahoo group I belong to, I was able to get these pictures of Ren's orphanage. Once again, I am so grateful to the families who have already adopted children from Zhuhai SWI. Many have visited the orphanage themselves with their kids. These families are a wealth of information, support and PICTURES!
From the 15 or so pictures I have, it looks like several buildings make up the SWI. This is the infant building:
Here's a view of some of the little beds at the orphanage. It sounds like Ren is probably sleeping in a bed like this, not a crib, so we'll be setting up a toddler bed for him.
This is the entrance to the SWI:

The SWI playground:
This is a photo board outside the SWI. I'm not sure if all kids who live at the orphanage have their photos there, or if only kids who have been adopted are featured on the board. If any of my Zhuhai friends know, I'd love to hear! I can't help but wonder if Ren is currently pictured on the board ...
The orphanage is moving in December to a different location so it's unlikely we'll ever be able to tour this place - Ren's home for the first two years of his life. Knowing this makes having these pictures all the more special.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Recent photos of Ren thanks to FOI!
This morning we awoke to a beautiful blanket of snow on the ground (our first of the season) and an incredible gift in my Inbox: an email from our coordinator with new pictures of Ren and answers to some questions we wanted asked of Ren's orphanage! I LOVE Family Outreach International! Thanks, Yulin!

According to the properties of the photos, they were taken on November 11, 2008 - that would be 'yesterday' in China! I am stunned that they are so recent. Ren looks so sweet in all of them.

He is now 29 lbs and 35 1/2 inches tall. Such a big guy compared to our sweet peanut, Claire. I think my arms are finally going to get the workout they need!
We were also given a couple of examples of words he is saying. One of them is jie jie (big sister)! How perfect is that?!
Today is day 42 of our wait for the Letter Seeking Confirmation. In the past, people have had to wait a half a year or longer but with a new electronic system in place, things seem to be moving much, much faster now. Oh, please let our letter arrive soon!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
For the boy who was 'almost' Pablo
Today, we sent off a care package for Ren. Our coordinator will take it to China for us when she accompanies a group to China later this month. Since she has to pack this in her suitcase (as well as any other care packages), we could send only a Kleenex-sized box. The contents may therefore look a little meagre but the love that goes with each item is huge.
Check out the stuffie we included! When Claire and I were at the toy store looking for Ren's care package contents, I couldn't find an appropriate stuffed animal; either the stuffed animal was too big or the animal was wrong (we have no connection to a Zebra!). As we continued to shop, inspiration suddenly struck! Ren needs his own little Pablo! Claire, who adores Pablo from the Backyardigans, quickly agreed that Pablo was the right choice.
I realized as I was cramming everything into the little box that we had space for this book after all so it's included too. I know it's in the wrong language (!) but I thought the touch and feel aspect of the book would be nice. Besides, the cute little animals speak for themselves!
I feel so fortunate that Paul works with a great guy who translated our letter for us. Thanks, Bing! Thanks also to FOI for carrying over our care package.
This package will probably not arrive at Ren's orphanage in time for his 2nd birthday on December 3, so we've also arranged for a birthday cake to be sent to his orphanage, along with a disposable camera and a birthday card. We really fussed over Claire when she turned two and it feels strange not to be able to do the same for Ren. With this cake and card, at least we'll know there will be a little celebration for him at the orphanage. Hopefully on Forever Family Day we'll get the disposable camera back with pictures of him and his birthday cake!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Two more photos of Ren, thanks to Tracy and Kate!
Yesterday, we received a precious gift from a family in the States: more pictures of Ren! Through a yahoo group dedicated to people who have or are adopting from Ren's orphanage, I was able to connect with Tracy. Tracy and her husband adopted Kate, a 13-year old, in April of this year. I learned from Tracy that Kate spent a lot of time with Ren. She told her mom that she remembers when Ren arrived and how skinny he was. But, she said he ate a lot and grew fast. She also said he is very funny and very happy when someone picks him up!
The photos were taken in March of this year when Kate was still at the orphanage. Without further ado, here they are!
Kate is the girl in the yellow, red and white. I am elated that Ren received attention from this wonderful young lady! The other woman is one of the nannies. Tracy is going to email me her name when she has a moment to look it up.
This is the same photo but cropped in closer because I adore Ren's hint of a smile:

And the second new picture:
I am so incredibly grateful to Tracy and Kate for these photos and this information. It's so precious to us while we're waiting but I'm sure it'll be equally important to Ren in the future. Thank you, Tracy and Kate!
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