Thursday, July 26, 2007

Getting started

Part of the process of international adoption is a home study with a social worker. We met with Maria, the same social worker we had for Claire's home study, for an update yesterday. It was a pretty quick thing this time, having already spent hours with Maria before.

Big sister Claire was an angel during the visit. I always wonder what our second baby's personality will be; will she be a sweet, active easy-going baby like Claire, or a wild little baby who will keep us more on our toes? However she is, I'm sure she'll fit right in with our family in her own way. As my mom always says, her seven children enriched the family with their own unique personalities. I'm sure we'll be enriched by our new addition as well.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is for sure.. there is not one child a like and that is what makes them so special..
Glad your home study was a breeze..
Have a great day.