Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saskatoon trip, part two: Ren meets more of his daddy's family

Ren met his Baba and Dido a week after coming to Canada but didn't get a chance to meet his Uncle Dorian (Paul's brother), Auntie Sylvie and Great-Baba Pauline until this past weekend. Everyone was totally charmed by his beautiful smile and funny ways, and I could tell he adored everyone in return.

Here's Ren leading his willing Great-Baba around:

The entire group (without me - I'm the photographer):
And just the grandparents with the kids:


Helena said...

Wow, great pics. Ren seems to look so grown up in those photos. Now we can start saying that about him too!! Looks like they were all thrilled to meet your new little guy and I bet Claire was happy to show him off too.

Beth said...

OK, you know that last one was me....will I ever learn to check that first????

Rae said...

Your two little bunnies looked like they were having a blast! I'm glad to hear you had a nice Easter with family and that Ren had a good first visit to Saskatoon.

Shea said...

Beautiful smiles!! How nice that the kids were able to see their grandparents again.