L.I.D. - Log In Date - the date China got our main file. This was March 5, 2008.
L.O.I. - Letter Of Intent - the letter we wrote to China asking if Ren can be ours.
L.O.A. or L.S.C. - Letter of Acceptance or Letter Seeking Confirmation - the letter from the Chinese government that says Ren is ours upon our confirmation. This usually takes several months to arrive.
T.A. - Travel Approval (also known as "Notice of Coming to China for Adoption") - letter from the Chinese government that gives us permission to enter China and receive Ren. Usually comes about 1 month after the L.O.A. We book our tickets to China once we get this letter.
Our Timeline
LID: March 5, 2008
Appointment with social worker to switch to the WC program: June 6, 2008
Date of adoption agency's signoff on social worker's update: July 2, 2008
Received provincial approval of switch to WC program: July 21, 2008
Received referral: September 29, 2008
Accepted referral / submitted LOI: October 1, 2008
Received Letter Seeking Confirmation (also known as Letter of Approval): January 5, 2009
I've always loved photography. In high school and university, I took photography classes but ultimately chose a career in law and left my passion behind. Now that I'm a stay-at-home mom to two amazing kids, my passion in photography has re-ignited.
Merry Christmas girly...
Have a Wonderful Day..
Merry Christmas!
Rae, Girard and Bryn
Merry Christmas sister!
Merry Christmas and a wonderful and exciting 2009 to you and your family!! Love from Uncle Geoff and Auntie Marlene, xoxo
What a beautiful photo. Merry Christmas to you!
Love Shea and Caia
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Stephanie, Gerald, Sonia and Liam.
What a doll she is!
Merry Christmas Claire, Monica, Paul and Ren.
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