Yesterday we sent off another care package to Ren. This time we sent it on our own (not through our coordinator) so we didn't have a size restriction.
We're continuing to enjoy Grandma's company here. Paul is working on the reno, and I've been spending time doing things around the house when I'm not with Claire and Grandma. Grandma is amazed by how much Claire has changed since she saw her last, especially in terms of language. She's talking full, long sentences now, with a few sayings that constantly pop up in our conversations. One of her favourites is, "We match!", which is used in various situations: when they are drinking the same thing, wearing the same colour, etc. It's kind of silly, actually, but very sweet too. It's definitely one of those sayings that we'll always remember. I've got to keep this short to get back to visiting with Mom and Claire, but here are a couple of pictures we took before church today.
Love the care package..
And the pictures are GREAT..
Glad you are getting lots of things done..
Happy New Year..
This is the year you will become a family of 4..
Can't wait..
Awwwww! Love this New Year's posting. Happy New Year to your family too and looking forward to Ren's arrival to Canada.
Love from Auntie Marlene and Uncle Geoff xoxo
Happy New Year! 2009 will be a great year for you and your family!!!
Beautiful pictures! Great gift pack for Ren and his friends. They will be very excited.
Hope you get some travel plans soon. 2009 will be a very special year.
Love from Stephanie, Gerald, Sonia and Liam
Happy New Year! 2009 will be a fabulous year for you.
I love the photo of the 3 generations. I bet grandma has loved her time with Claire. That is a terrific care package. I can imagine how Ren's eyes will light up when he sees everything, and when he's able to share some things with his friends. That must have been fun to put together.
Who doesn't love pages of stickers! I can just imagine that they'll be all over the place! Too cute. I love the pics of the three of you, but my favourite is mama and Claire. That's a great one. Glad you're getting lots done.
Happy New Year to all of you.
Happy New Year! 2009 will be one of your best yet.
Another wonderful care package assembled with much love and care. Ren and his friends will have lots of fun with all the goodies.
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Ren and his friends are going to love the care package. Hope you get to go meet him soon.
2009 is going to be a big year for the foster sisters!
Big hugs from Maeve, Pat and Kath
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