Today, we had the nicest day in several weeks. It had been ages since we'd been outside to play due to the cold, so out we went as soon as we could this morning. I know this is Ren's blog, but I have to post a few pics of his older sis enjoying the snow. 
We booked our flights on Wednesday. It felt so amazing to do that! It finally feels real that we will have our Ren soon. We are flying to Hong Kong on Feb.19, arriving there on Feb.20 and staying until Feb.22 when we'll take a train to Guangzhou. We'll be departing Beijing for Canada on March 6. This is a day later than the scheduled departure date but this allows for a much better connecting flight in Canada.
I spoke to my mom this morning and no surprise, Ren's quilt is already on the quilting rack or frame or whatever you call it! That means the quilted top piece is already done and now she is stitching the front, filling and backing together. Pretty amazing, considering she only began it on Monday! That said, she did study the pattern very closely when she was here because she knew she'd had to adjust the size of it from basically a baby quilt to a twin-size bed quilt. Plus, she puts in major time - anywhere from 7-10 hours a day. Mom is always surprised by how fast she motors through a project but we, her family, never are. We all know it's her obsession!
Our little reno is also coming along nicely. Paul painted the little office space and put the cork flooring in over Christmas (just in that room) and in the last week, we've put in almost all of the shelving. And yes, I've filled most of it already. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get the rest of the shelves in and then I can really go to town emptying out Ren's room. We still have a fair amount of work to do in the basement before we can / should move on to working on Ren's room, but I think it'll all get done in time. I say this now ... let's see what I post in the next few weeks!
I am sooo happy for you ...
Everything is almost done and you will be a Family of 4...
I can't wait to follow your journey over in China..
Have a great weekend..
That's nice that Ren will still be able to experience snow when you get home, albeit without the extreme cold. I have a feeling Ren and Claire will love playing outside together. Do you have a snowsuit for Ren, or are you just doing a jacket?
Can't wait to see the side by side angels. Too exciting! How cute is that little girl - and the fashion sure brings it out!! Those colours are great on her. I'm sure everything will be finished just as you need it to be.
I'm so glad you posted some photos of Claire, I've been missing seeing her pretty face all the time. She looks so cute in her winter fashion gear!
I hope you can get a photo of both of your angels in the snow this winter. I have a feeling the snow will still be here for awhile after you come home with Ren!
We are very excited for you! Happy travels and looking forward to more updates on Ren!!! xo Auntie Marlene and Uncle Geoff!!!!!!
Awwwe, look at your sweet snow angel Claire, she's so pretty! Tickets!!!!! It's almost time -- and it sounds like there is much to keep you busy until departure!
Can't wait to see the finished quilt. . . wrapped around your boy!!
Blessings to the North!
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