Ren's understanding of English is really coming along, we think. We're sure he understands our basic /regular words, phrases and instructions and I wouldn't be surprised if he understands more than that as well. It's still difficult at times but definitely better than at first when we really couldn't communicate much at all. We were told that he only spoke a couple of words in Cantonese but I have doubts about that. He is already saying several words and phrases in English: hi, hello, bye-bye, goodnight, more, please, thanks, Mama, Daddy, Jie-Jie, Kitsya,kitty, puppy (sounds like uppy), Grandma, Baba and Dido. Granted, we wouldn't understand what he's saying without the context because the words are not coming out very clear, but the words are there. He is also attempting some short sentences: "Hi Kitsya", "more please", "Where is Jie-Jie?" "all done", "here you go". I suspect that he had more Cantonese words than we were told but that it wasn't really known by the orphanage, perhaps because he had several caregivers (either they didn't compare notes or they weren't able to see the context to discern the sounds he was making).
Meal preparation time has really evolved around here. When we first came home, Ren was incredibly impatient for food the moment he saw it. We soon realized that he probably never saw food being prepared. In the orphanage, food preparation would have happened behind the scenes; when food was visible, it meant it was time to eat. Not so here! Thankfully it seems that Ren has gotten somewhat used to food having to be prepared before it is time to eat. I don't know what I would have done without my mom here for the last little while because it really did take someone to keep him occupied while the other made breakfast, lunch and dinner. He is still impatient to some degree but much less so!
It seems like this post is turning into a series of theories related to Ren's life in the orphanage so I might as well offer a couple more:
- At meal time, the perception of fairness is huge. If someone helps themselves to more of a certain dish, Ren immediately squawks for some too, even if he already has some on his plate. If Claire wants more of something, we have to remember to give him a tiny bit more too, even if he already has some. I wonder if this too relates to his time in the orphanage.
- We continue to marvel at Ren's ability to play independently. The other night, we were watching a bit of kids' TV. He soon lost interest and spread out a blanket for himself on the floor. He then proceeded to play with some Duplo train stuff for a good 10 - 15 minutes! Again, it's likely an attribute of having been in an orphanage but I'm happy for it sometimes. He really seems to have amazing focus.
Here are some random photos of the kiddies around our house the last couple of weeks.