We grocery shopped, spent time at the outdoor exercise park, walked a hutong, ran in the hotel halls, played in our room and enjoyed leisurely meals.
Here is Ren stuffing a Kindermusik instrument in his pocket just like Jie-Jie did:
He copies everything: language, movements (even her 'ballet arms'), and sounds. For the most part, Claire doesn't mind but if she is having a meltdown (a frequent occurrence the last few days with all the changes), boy, does she get mad. This example has happened a few times already in the past two days, basically in the exact same way each time:
- Claire gets mad at Ren because she perceives he may want something of hers (even though he is across the room and the object in question is lying neglected by all on the floor);
- She yells, "No!" at him with the sternest of faces;
- Ren copies by yelling "No!" with a proud and innocent expression;
- Claire yells, "Hey, No!"
- Ren echoes, "Hey, No!"
- Claire: "Noooo!"
- Ren: "Noooo!"
- Claire: "NO!"
- Ren: "NO!"
And so on. You get the picture. I feel bad for Claire because she is obviously having a tough time but honestly, it's the funniest thing. Paul and I keep having laughing fits about it in between dealing with the chaos that has become our life. (By the way, Claire is also having a lot of fun with Ren - it's an up and down kind of thing.)
Ren has been on a fluid-only diet for the last few days but against doctor's orders, we started giving him small bits of actual food yesterday and today because the poor guy looks like he's starving! To get a lot of liquid into him fast, we use a straw even if we're giving him soup. Today, we broke the rules again by giving him a bit of noodles with his broth. Here he is feeding himself some noodles using chopsticks:
T0morrow, we're off to the Summer Palace with the group. I'll post again soon.
Sounds like a perfect day.
Chillin' sounds good! I can just imagine how funny those scenes are! Perhaps Ava won't know what happened to her friend when Claire gets home. She may have a whole different 'tude. Ava might not know what's hit her!! I can't wait to see the dynamics between those three. I have a feeling it will provide great entertainment:) Have fun at the Palace. Say hi to the guy singing opera!
I've been dying to ask how the omelette guy is? Have one for me some morning!! I miss that buffet. Have a danish for me too.
Glad to hear he's on the mend. Felt so bad for him. Must be hard for him to watch everyone else eat.
Give those kids a squeeze for us.
OK, that last post was me, not James. I didn't notice until it was too late and I was posting on Dawn's blog as J too, as last night he commented and it defaults to the last poster !! Oh well, now you know.
Hahahhaha, the Claire and Ren fighting dialogue sounds pretty hilarious. Yeah, poor Claire... But terribly cute that Ren has such an innocent look on his face, much to Claire's dismay.
I love reading about their antics. I am glad you had a quiet day with the two little hooligans. Big hug to y'all.
Oh dear, Claire is actually a normal 2+ year old who is getting a same age sibling. I'm so relieved to see this post (for completely personal reasons). Been there, done that, totally feelin' it for you guys. It changes, it changes, it changes. It really, really, really won't last forever, it won't even last for a year. Breathe.
Great idea to split them up a little to give them some time apart and time with the attention of just one parent (even if that one parent is on his way to getting smashed on beer :-)). FANTASTIC idea to have a day to just hang-out and chill. The Great Wall will be there when you go back in 10 years!
Ok it's just sooooo much better with the pics! How hilarious. She's such a card sometimes:) but no one tends to see that. They're all great pics.
I am back in Regina now...am wondering if you are checking your email while you are away? I am loving the blog.. it has made me cry every night for the last week..but tears of Joy and happiness for Ren and all of you to finally be together!! Sounds like Ren and Claire are acting like typical siblings...if they weren't fighting yet I would be worried!!
hang in there
We've been thoroughly enjoying your blog, Monica, especially seeing the interaction between Claire and Ren! You and Paul are doing a great job as parents!
Peter thought the word "Dai" sounds like the Cantonese word for
"big". Would that make any sense in the context of Ren's pointing at various things?
Will you be coming to Mandarin class very soon after you return home?? I can't wait to meet Ren in person, after hearing so much about his personality! And maybe Peter can help with understanding some of Ren's Cantonese commentary :)
Aww, poor Claire. I hate to laugh, but their "NO!" exchanges sound so funny! Claire is being a real trooper with all the changes she's been through in the past week. I'd be a bit miffed once in awhile, too!
Ren sure seems to be enjoying his noodles...poor little guy must have been starved. I hope he does okay at home with the change in diet.
Enjoy your last few days, can you believe you'll be home in a few days?!
P.S. Claire is an adorable beer toter. :)
Cute noodle shots!
Sounds like family time was just what you needed. That's a lot of change for both Claire and Ren to handle. Glad they have good moments along with the struggles.
It is nice of Paul to go on a liquid diet in support of Ren's diet! Those Chinese liquors can be strong stuff though. :-)
All kidding aside, I hope Ren's system stabilizes so that he eat solids again soon. Poor thing must be famished.
Looks like you have a noodle boy to go along with your noodle girl.
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