We were met back home with cold weather (but not as cold as it had been, apparently) but it didn't seem to phase Claire one bit. She was just so happy to be home. Ren didn't cry or react to the cold other than to look around in disbelief. Thankfully, he didn't put up a big fight about being put in the carseat (so far, at least). Here are the kids just after getting buckled in to our vehicle at the airport:
And then we were home!
And sleep we did! The kids were asleep by 11:20 p.m. Friday night and, with the exception of Claire waking for a while in the night and the adults waking periodically to check the time, we all slept until 2:30 p.m. on Saturday! I honestly can't remember the last time I slept that long. We then all had a really great day. With everyone so rested and with Claire so happy to be home, there were virtually no fights, no tantrums, no nothing but happy playing, sharing practice and hanging out.
Since we've been home, Ren has been repeating more words, such as Kitty, panda, and Uncle Stu. He has a cute little voice that sometimes sounds like he's holding his tongue in one place when he speaks (try saying Kitty with your tongue in the middle of your mouth and you might get the idea). We've really enjoyed seeing Ren run around the house. He runs with a wide stance and pumps his left arm like crazy. It's super-cute. Today, he created a slide out of a booster seat box we had left in our living room for our cat (she likes boxes). We were pretty impressed with his ingenuity! He tumbles and falls all the time but I don't worry about it anymore. He seems to have good control as he falls and somehow he always emerges with a smile. Sometimes his falls look like they happen in slow motion, which is kinda funny to see.
Our sleep patterns from jet lag are still a little wonky today but I'm hoping that tonight we will settle everything out and will be back on our time zone tomorrow. It'll be good to get into our routine. I haven't even started to go through my email yet so if you're waiting to hear from me, that's why. It may be a while but I'll get to it eventually! Same thing with more posts ...
Glad you guys are home safe and sounds...
Looks like the kids are doing well..
Have a good nights sleep..
This is really great. So good to hear Ren and Claire are settling in so well back home. And that Claire is happy to be with her toys again and Ren is enjoying the comforts of his new home.
Congrats again on having such a great lollipop flight home and that sleep patterns are returning to Alberta time.
I was so happy to see this post. I was hoping and hoping I'd see something with you all back home.
Luv, Auntie Marlene & Uncle Geoff.
ps: Geoff is impressed Ren can say 'Uncle Stu' already!
Uncle Geoff says, 'No fair, Stu is getting a head start on the favourite uncle thing!'
OK I'm apparently not the only one checking! I feel so pathetic, waiting for a glimpse. SOOOOO good to hear that everything sounds so smooth and relaxed. What a great couple of first days you've had. We've been thinking about you lots . Thanks so much for taking the time to post. Lord knows you have a ton of better things to be doing. But glad you thought of your peeps out here:)
Sending our love and welcome home wishes.
Yahooo! You did it! You're home and you are no longer waiting for your babies. They are both 'sleeping' under the same roof as you. What a wonderful first day home. A sign of things to come I'm sure. Paul doesn't look at all tired in the picture. He seems to still be beaming. Congratulations guys.
Started on the laundry yet? :-))
Dawn, Jay-Jay and Eva
Yay, you made it home without a hitch -- thank goodness for lollies. :)
It sounds like things are going well! It must have been fun watching Claire dive into her toys and Ren walk around checking things out. I'm glad to hear his fear of Kitsya didn't last too long.
I can't believe how long you slept your first night home! Another hour or two and it would classify as hibernating. ;)
Thanks so much for taking the time to post. I'll admit I've been checking on and off (okay, hourly) in the hopes hearing how your first couple of days have gone. We're glad your home!
Home - nothing better. Great to hear about your first days back. Sorry about the weather - but spring will be here soon. I can already image Claire leading Ren dancing into those wonderful muddle puddles!
Glad to hear you're home safe and sound. Sounds like the kiddos are having a blast at home. You guys had a great snooze for your first night!! We're slowly getting on track here.
Looking forward to hearing more about the adventures of Claire and Ren.
So glad that you are all home and well rested. Thank you for sharing your trip to China with us! I can't believe how you've let us come along with you through your many posts!
Stephanie, Gerald, Sonia and Liam
Welcome home! Glad you got some rest - the pictures are adorable. Enjoy!
Glad to hear you are home and settling back in. Sounds like Claire is a "no place like home" kinda gal and that Ren is adjusting well to his new environment.
I've forgotten what the pre-kid days of sleeping in late are like. Maybe I should try keeping Maeve up late to see if she'll let us sleep in.
Welcome home! I'm glad the flight went well, and that everyone slept well the first night home. It must have felt incredible to be home together.
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