Saturday, February 28, 2009
Who is Ren?!
We are still figuring out the answer to this question and I am sure we will be for some time!
For the first couple of days, he was quite withdrawn as I mentioned but we could coax him into smiles and laughter. He didn't make a peep. He didn't cry. He didn't show much emotion at all. After a couple of days, he became a bit more vocal with us. He often will say something like "Dai?" (sounds like dye) and point to things, but Becky didn't think that meant anything in Cantonese. If anyone knows (Kath? Marlene?), I'd love to hear a possible interpretation of it. We thought perhaps it means "What is that?" As of Friday, he is also saying something that sounds like "a-may" very often. No clue what that means and we don't have any Cantonese speakers here to ask. He is now talking quite a bit to himself, as well as repeating words that we say to him. It's great to hear his little voice.
On Friday, we began to see more outward signs of sadness from Ren. I'm sure he was grieving before but he seemed to be holding so much in. Now, his sadness seems to come when he thinks he's been left alone, like when I was in a noisy washroom getting a towel to dry my hands and I couldn't get him to turn around to see that I was only two feet behind him. Although I was only out of sight in that public place for about 10 seconds (and I could see him the entire time), I returned to find him silently sobbing, his face in anguish. That's how he crys. It seems typical of a child from an orphanage that if they cry, they cry only to relieve their sorrow, not also to get someone's attention or help. The moment I pick him up, his face immediately transforms into a huge smile.
He is still doing that hitting thing with the wild smile but now we're certain it's NOT done in exuberance but rather, done deliberately. It always happens when he's apparently very happy when we're having a lot of fun together. I'll have to check my attachment books on this back home but it kind of seems like he's testing us or the boundaries we have for him. Thankfully, he's only hit Paul and me - not Claire. That's another reason why I think it's some sort of test for us.
It's obviously hard to tell what Ren's personality is truly like with all the changes he is going through right now, but our guess is that he's a pretty laid back guy. He seems to pretty much go with the flow. He seems to have an amazing attention span, as he can play with the same thing for a long time. He loves playing with blocks (a huge favourite of his, we think), books and cars. He likes to put things in and out of bags. He's pretty good at kicking a ball around. We think he could play independently for hours, which is another typical attribute of institionalized kids. We let him play independently for a short while sometimes if it seems like he needs some time alone, but we intrude into his little world often and then immerse ourselves in play when we think he is ready.
We think Ren may be a little bit sneaky. One of my favourite memories of adoption day is just after he woke up that day. I could see that he was awake, so I quietly went to his side. As soon as I drew near, he closed his eyes and pretended he was sleeping. When I withdrew, he opened his eyes and began to look around again. Again, I drew near and he closed his eyes. I could tell he needed time to process his surroundings but it was so cute that he was pretending to be asleep that I tried it a few times. The other day at dinner, his sneaky side came to light again when we saw his hand slowly creeping towards Paul's cutlery. As soon as we spoke to him, he withdrew his hand and as soon as it seemed like we weren't paying attention, there went his hand again towards Paul's cutlery. Claire even thought it was pretty funny.
Another cute moment came the other day when it was time to put shoes on again after I had changed his diaper. I had put new shoes on him that day and they were right there beside us. I couldn't believe it when he picked them up, took them over to the area where we had all our shoes, put them down and chose the pair of shoes he'd been wearing the days previous! His preference was obvious!
Right now, we think he is equally attached to Paul and I - no preference towards either. I'm pretty sure he knows we are somehow special now - not simply strangers - and he does seem to be trusting us to some extent but I think it'll be some time before he fully trusts us. Attachment will take time and effort, but we'll get there. In the meantime, he's a fun, sweet, cuddly, laid-back, entertaining, and engaging geezer. We really look forward to all of you back home meeting him.
Oh, I should also mention that Ren's health seems to be okay and we saw a good sign of improvement today. It'll be an ongoing issue but his medicine seems to be helping and we're getting a better idea of what is 'normal' for him. For our friends who have offered to move up medical appointments for us, we are actually seeing Dr. B. on the 10th (only a few days after we return home) so we're good on that front. Thank you so incredibly much for your offers to help!
The Beijing Zoo
Claire had a great time running around. She was pretty entertaining for us and the rest of the group, I think. Ren was confined to the stroller for the entire event - unfortunately for him, but fortunately for our arms. He walks fine but with a fairly clumsy gait and he's not great with stairs; I am sure we'd never keep up to the group if we let him walk.
Our family with our guide, Vivian:
We toured more of the zoo than we saw last time. Last time, we pretty much only saw the pandas and the big cats. This time we also saw birds, the elephants, lemurs and monkeys. I'm probably forgetting some animals. Even more than the animals, I enjoyed seeing the Chinese families at the zoo. I saw lots of grandparents with little kids holding huge wands of cotton candy. You could tell it was a special day. We saw lots of little girls with fake curly hair: pigtails, ponytails, etc. Now Paul wants to get some crazy curly hair for Claire or else cut a lock of MY hair to use in hers. I think he's losing his mind. The kids are napping right now (it's Sunday at 2:45) so I'll finish this post now and will do another if I have time.
Flight and arrival in Beijing
Last day in Guangdong, continued
The exterior of the Academy:
Brick carvings on the outside:
My gang in front of the waterfall at the White Swan:
Last day in Guangdong
We've had a very busy few days. On Friday, we spent the morning sightseeing in Guangzhou with our little Guangdong group, followed by a yummy lunch. We packed up our things early that afternoon and soon we were headed off to the airport to catch our 6 pm flight to Beijing. We arrived at our hotel in Beijing around 11 pm, got some sleep and began the rush of activity all over again today: citizenship photos and paperwork, group photo, group lunch and trip to the zoo, followed by a photoshoot of Ren in the same style we had done for Claire two years ago. So now I'm wondering, where do I begin to catch up in terms of blogging?!
I guess we'll start with our little Guangdong group, touring around Guangzhou on our last day there. I have pics of the actual sights we took in but I`m guessing you want to see people first, sights second!
The Guangdong kids plus a Xinyu gal thrown in for good measure:
Claire leading us all on a parade on Shamian Island:
Carolyn and Marvin have been incredible to travel with again. It is so good having friends here to talk with about the heavy topics of adoption. It's been a good week for us, but a tough one in some ways, and our travel mates have really been there for us. I just hope we've been as good to them as they have been to us!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A little walk around our hotel block
An efficient three-story parking lot:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A low-key day
We were able to see an international doctor first thing, and we got him some medicine. Hopefully it works. We're already seeing some improvement. We also learned that Ren's last surgery (done in August of 2007) was not done very well at all either functionally or cosmetically (in this doctor's opinion) and that it will likely have to be redone in Canada. It was very reassuring to see the doctor here, since it'll be two weeks or so until we see our own back in Canada. I am very much looking forward to all those appointments so that we can understand the full extent of Ren's condition and get him the medical attention he needs. It's hard to know if his condition is very mild - as we were told - or more serious because we don't have a lot of information about his history and of course, very little in the way of personal experience with him.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Smiles on adoption day
Claire did really well again but by the end of the day, sibling annoyance had set in. We heard a lot of "He touched me!" and the like from her, even if Ren had merely brushed her as he walked past or reached for a book. This will definitely be an adjustment for her, but I already see how much she enjoys having Ren as a sibling.
Well, everybody is fast sleep here and I should be too. In closing, I want to wish my sister Stephanie a very happy birthday today! I hope you are having a great time in Vancouver with Geoff and Marlene!
Monday, February 23, 2009
And more!
And side-by-side horsie rides:
In the picture below, I'm holding a receiving blanket my Grandma Pauline gave to my mom before my oldest brother was born. Mom brought all seven of us home from the hospital in that blanket and had it at each of our baptisms. We had it with us when we received Claire and we had it with us today.
More of forever family day
Ren wasn't too sure of me at first but once his caregiver Kitty helped move his hand from hers (in addition to whatever words she was speaking), he let me hold his hand and soon, he was leaning into me.
One happy pop:
Our little nurturer feeding cheerios to her brother:
I'll do another post with a few more photos right away.
Thanks again, everyone, for wishing us well!
"Lookit, we got a little boy now!"
Sunday, February 22, 2009
This is the day!
Also near our htoel is a bird market. We knew we were approaching the market because of the increased bird song and the sight of people walking with covered bird cages.
Claire wasn't into the sightseeing too much yesterday. She kept asking, "We go to China now?" Wow, this kid makes more of a distinction between Hong Kong and China than I do! But we could tell she was ready to meet her little brother and start that new chapter in our lives. To that end, we boarded a double-decker train and journeyed here in the afternoon. We're now settled into our hotel (well, as settled as we can get in this standard-size room; this is no Galactic Peace International Hotel that we enjoyed in Nanchang!) and we're about to run a few errands before meeting our guide, Carolyn and Marvin and finally Ren.