Today is our second anniversary of Forever Family Day with Claire (the day we received her). It's always an emotional day, full of memories, but today I'm especially emotional.
I can't believe we caught our first glimpse of Claire in person only two years ago. Claire is the child on the left in this photo:
And then she was finally ours and we were hers:

I'm incredibly excited right now. We leave for China in exactly two weeks from today. In just over two weeks, we will receive Ren. So many thoughts are running through my head. What does his voice sound like? How long will it be before we coax a smile from him? What does his laugh sound like? What does he like to play with? Will he allow us eye contact right away, and if so, how great will that feel when I can hold him and look deep into his eyes? How big is he really?!
I'm also very nervous about all that's ahead of us. It's not like we're totally unprepared. After all, we've done a lot of reading on attachment, we're prepared to do some signing with our guy, we're trying to learn a few comfort phrases in Cantonese (hard, hard, hard on our own; with Mandarin, we took a class and gained a lot of comfort in regular practice in class), I'm doing some reading on siblings (thanks for the book recommendation, Dawn!), and the house is pretty much as ready as it's going to get until he gets home. It's just that I can't predict with any certainty what's going to happen in the next few weeks (or much longer!) and I've always had control issues!
We are self-educated on possible ways Ren may respond to being taken away from everyone and everything he has ever known, and we're equipped with information on how best to respond in various scenarios. But it won't be easy to see Ren grieve his loss (my heart is already breaking for him), and to call upon the right thing to do at the right time to help him. I guess at this point, I just have to have faith in myself. I do most of the time but of course, self-doubt creeps in from time to time. I have constant faith in Paul so why do I doubt myself from time to time?
On top of that, I'm worried about how Claire will do during this time of transition. When we adopted Claire, it was just us grownups to worry about; this time, I'm worried about how she'll interact with Ren, how we'll help her adjust as time goes on, how I'll cope if she becomes incredibly clingy to me (a strong possibility), and well, the list goes on. But I do know for certain that in the long term, she'll be incredibly enriched by having Ren as her brother, just as I am certain we will all be enriched by our little fella. It's just probably going to be tough in the next while.
On the very bright side, we received great news a couple of days ago that Ren's condition appears to be fine at the moment - no immediate treatments required. There will likely be things to deal with later, but at least there is nothing that requires immediate attention. We also learned that he still takes a bottle! Apparently, he gets 2 or 3 a day! I was very surprised to hear this but also very glad because cuddling with him while feeding him his bottle will be a great opportunity for attachment.
We are self-educated on possible ways Ren may respond to being taken away from everyone and everything he has ever known, and we're equipped with information on how best to respond in various scenarios. But it won't be easy to see Ren grieve his loss (my heart is already breaking for him), and to call upon the right thing to do at the right time to help him. I guess at this point, I just have to have faith in myself. I do most of the time but of course, self-doubt creeps in from time to time. I have constant faith in Paul so why do I doubt myself from time to time?
On top of that, I'm worried about how Claire will do during this time of transition. When we adopted Claire, it was just us grownups to worry about; this time, I'm worried about how she'll interact with Ren, how we'll help her adjust as time goes on, how I'll cope if she becomes incredibly clingy to me (a strong possibility), and well, the list goes on. But I do know for certain that in the long term, she'll be incredibly enriched by having Ren as her brother, just as I am certain we will all be enriched by our little fella. It's just probably going to be tough in the next while.
On the very bright side, we received great news a couple of days ago that Ren's condition appears to be fine at the moment - no immediate treatments required. There will likely be things to deal with later, but at least there is nothing that requires immediate attention. We also learned that he still takes a bottle! Apparently, he gets 2 or 3 a day! I was very surprised to hear this but also very glad because cuddling with him while feeding him his bottle will be a great opportunity for attachment.
Before I sign off, I want to extend happy anniversary greetings to all our travel mates from our 2007 trip. You have become family to us, and we feel blessed to have you in our lives. You will be in our thoughts as we visit China once again.
Happy 2nd Forever Family Day Monica, Paul and Claire! What a memorable day.
You are getting so close to Ren aren't you? And it sounds as though you are as ready as you can be!
February will always be a very special month in your household won't it?
Looking forward to following you to China!!
It's almost your turn sweet Ren!
Wow Monica,
Thank you for sharing and reminiscing Forever Family Day when it was Claire’s day. Yes, this time will be just as exciting with a few new twists and turns. Throw in a few new variables, Ren’s age, Claire as a sibling, but you are correct -- your lives AND Ren’s life will be so enriched by this unique opportunity and you will all be much more rounded people. You will all grow and flourish with these wonderful experiences. I am anxious and excited for you also, for all the ups and downs you will go through. You and Paul as so very kind people and that will shine through to Ren. Love from Auntie Marlene and Uncle Geoff.
Your family is never far from our thoughts. The anticipation, the excitement but also the unknown. You tell it better than anyone. Reading this post brings back some of our own memories and emotions.
Happy Forever Family Day guys! We feel the same sense of family with you and think back fondly on our time together.
Have a wonderful trip to China. I hope everything goes smoothly. It is great to hear that Ren is in good health now. That will make things a little bit easier as you all go through a big transition.
Our thoughts will be with you.
Kath, Pat and Maeve
Happy Forever Family Day! Would you have thought two years ago that you'd be experiencing another one so soon?!
I can't imagine how excited (and nervous and worried) you are right now. I'm sure there will be ups and downs over the next few months but you're right -- all of your lives will be enriched immensely when Ren joins your family.
We can't wait to meet the little guy and we're so excited to be adding a boy to our extended family!
Rae, Girard and Bryn
Happy Forever Family Day! And blessings on your upcoming Forever Family Day with Ren.
Happy Family Day! You're in our thoughts today too. It's been an emotional day for me. I can't believe 2 years have passed.
I can only imagine your anticipation right now. Having Claire in the picture does add another dimension. I know you're as prepared as possible, and I have faith that everything will work out. But I'm sure your brain is in overdrive right now. I'm glad to hear that Ren is doing well and won't need immediate treatment. That's a big relief.
Love Shea and Caia
Happy forever family day, friends!! Can't wait to see you all in just a little more than two weeks.
I know that you guys will be doing fine. You have good instinct and just trust yourself, you'll be good.
Patience is the key.
My two cent is to work as a team. One can't do everything alone.
Have fun.
Happy 2 years..
doesn't seem like 2 years... time flies by when you have such amazing little ones...
Can't wait to see Ren in your arms..
Have a great weekend
Happy Forever Family Day. The two days are so close together. So beautiful. Claire has grown and changed so much in two years.
You will do great with Ren and so will Claire. It really, really will all work out. Your instincts and your experience will guide you and you will just know what to do. He's just a little person that will need love and a sense of security which you know how to do. The rest will come. A bottle! How cuddly and wonderful.
Sigh, where to begin. Those pics bring back so much emotion. Sharing the journey with you has been wonderful. We are waiting with anticipation to share Ren's life too. I ditto everyone have been great parents for two years and you'll do what you need to do the minute you hold him. Change is hugely scary and as soon as you're a family of four, it will all make sense. Can't wait to read about your new adventures. Happy Anniversary friends.
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