I'm happy to report that he seems to be a good flyer. He and Claire were really great on the flight and had a fun time amusing each other, Paul and me and basically everyone around us on the plane. (And holy moley, were we stared at on the plane! Not for a second or two but some people literally stared for a half hour at a time!)
Settling in with the travel Aqua Doodles:
To sweeten the first-time flight for Ren (and to keep the kids happy), I gave them both lollipops. Terrible stuff, I know, but I'm letting a few things slide on this trip! The really sweet thing, though, was that Ren kept offering licks of his lollipop to Claire:
We are supposed to tour the Great Wall tomorrow (Sunday) but we've decided to do our own thing instead. It would be a very long day due to the long drive and a few stops for shopping along the way. Since we wouldn't be physically able to make it far on the wall anyway with these two hooligans, we'd find ourselves waiting around a lot trying to entertain them. We'll be taking it easy tomorrow, so I'll try to post again then, this time about how our little geezer is doing.
Catching up with you, you've been a busy blogger! Love the updates and of course the pictures of your sweeties. Happy to hear that Ren and Claire both traveled well, and that Ren shared his lollipop with Claire--that's a big step, and a really good sign of things to come!
Enjoy your time getting to know Ren. He sure is a handsome little man!
Great that the two little ones are such good flyers! Lucky you!!
Love that Ren seems like such a good lollipop sharer. I especially liked seeing his (and Paul's in background) smiley face while sharing the lollipop.
I know you will have a fun time even by not doing the Great Wall thing. Sometimes it's nice to just take it easy and like you said, you will have wonderful memories just getting to know Ren :-)
xo from Auntie Marlene & Uncle Geoff
Finally getting a chance to see what you guys have been up to! I'm glad to see that everything is going well with Ren! He is adorable and Claire seems to be doing really well also! Have fun during the week in Beijing, I can't wait to meet him in person!
So sweet that Ren shared his lollipop with his sister! They are both adorable.
Glad to see the new photos! Maybe I will try the lollipop trick with Paul next time we fly!! HOpe you aren't getting too worn out, sightseeing, travelling, etc. As much as it is nice to be away I am sure you are also looking forward to getting home and settling in to some sort of routine with the kidlets. Ren appears to have fit right in with you guys....He looks like a healthy, happy little guy.
Wow. What an amazing journey and thank you for sharing it with us - back here in the snow. Monica, I actually thought for a second today about adding another sibling. So, THAT let's you know how much we are loving seing your family together! PS don't tell Scott
I'm glad to hear Ren is a good flyer, what a relief for you to have two kiddies who like to fly. They look so cute side by side sharing their lollies!
Being back in Beijing will bring back a lot of memories for you and you'll make a lot of new ones, too. Have a fun day tomorrow!
Glad the flight went so well. This post brings back a few sad memories for us when we left Guangxi. We must say you threw a heck of a wild party Friday night -that picture made me laugh out loud!
I love the photo of Ren and Claire sharing lollipops. Look at how happy the lollipops made the kids--well worth it, I'd say. Paul looks like a proud papa in those pics too.
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