Most of the morning, Ren had shown little emotion - in continuation of yesterday's mode. But suddenly at the market, he started smiling in response to Becky's attention and immediately, he was smiling in response to Paul and me too. He hasn't stopped smiling since. 

Also at the market (shortly after the smiles began), Ren repeated the word "Mama" and patted me as I had just done. A short while later, he also repeated Baba and Jie-Jie. He said the words a fair bit throughout the day but the only name he is saying spontaneously (not merely repeating after us) is Jie-Jie. He's quite taken with her, and they had a lot of fun together today racing in the halls, playing hide and seek / peekaboo and playing with toys.

We've had a good time today getting to know Ren a bit more. He's a gentle giant, I think, except for an odd habit of occasionally hitting things (and me!) with wild exuberance. I think it's out of excitement, though, as opposed to intending harm, because he hit my arm - with a huge smile on his face - immediately after blowing me a kiss in response to one I'd blown him. But we shall see!
Claire did really well again but by the end of the day, sibling annoyance had set in. We heard a lot of "He touched me!" and the like from her, even if Ren had merely brushed her as he walked past or reached for a book. This will definitely be an adjustment for her, but I already see how much she enjoys having Ren as a sibling.
Claire did really well again but by the end of the day, sibling annoyance had set in. We heard a lot of "He touched me!" and the like from her, even if Ren had merely brushed her as he walked past or reached for a book. This will definitely be an adjustment for her, but I already see how much she enjoys having Ren as a sibling.
Well, everybody is fast sleep here and I should be too. In closing, I want to wish my sister Stephanie a very happy birthday today! I hope you are having a great time in Vancouver with Geoff and Marlene!
Just look at that SMILE on your guy! Oh Monica, I am so happy about your good reports. Ren was hiding that great big beautiful smile, and just look at him now! Claire and Ren look like another match made in Heaven to me!
Blessings from Texas, as you get to know your boy day by day ~
WoW!!! I am so moved ... and he is just a sweetie. I have never seen Paul so happy. Popping!
Dear Claire she is very lucky to have a little brother.
Karla and AnnaLeisa
LOVE that little smile..
Looks like he is adjusting well.
Sweet Claire..she is sooooo AMAZING..
You sure do have a WONDERFUL Family..
Ren is the most beautiful boy I've ever seen! What a smile! He looks so very happy. He and Claire make quite a pair. They even have the same chin and jawline.
I'm so glad Ren is coming out of his shell and is having fun with his jie jie. Give your beautiful kiddies big hugs and have another happy day.
And thanks for all the updates, we love hearing what's happening in your corner of the world!
OH...looking at those pictures of those smiling faces - could it get any better than that?? I have to repeat how beautiful he is and even more so with that smile. I think I see some mischief in there too:) Loving the updates, thanks for staying up and keeping us posted.
Big Hugs.
I could just eat those smiles up! Ren and Claire look happy beyond words. And who wouldn't be with such great siblings and wonderful parents?
He's a beautiful boy! What a blessing!
Oh my goodness, Ren has the most wonderful smile! I hope he keeps that up. He is so handsome!!
So great that he's opened up a bit with some big smiles... Wait till he gets to KFC!! Hahahahahah! Thanks for the well wishes for Stephanie, I'll tell her to come look at your latest post. She will be so thrilled for you.
You are having some magical days! We are so excited for your family.
It is good to see Ren starting to open up and everyone so happy. Sibling dynamics are so interesting ...just wait. You will see Ren and Claire change so much together.
You have made my day!
Thanks for letting us be a part of this amazing journey. Seeing Claire and Ren smiling brings such joy to us.
That's a sharp haircut on the little feller. With that dark hair and eyes he obviously takes after his Uncle Stu.
Oh congratulations on your little boy. He is gorgeous especially when he smiles. He seems to have adjusted so easily. They must have really prepared him. So wonderful.
You guys are doing great and She's so accepting too. Seems like you're got everything under control so now it's time to relax and enjoy the next few days with your TWO kidSSSSS!
He is absolutely gorgeous!! What a handsome young man. And it sounds like he is doing really well.
I can't stop looking at these pictures of Ren and seeing his wonderful smile. He sure is a cute fellow! You must be such proud Mama and Baba.
Now having seen the two darlings together, I cannot imagine them NOT being dai-dai and jie-jie. I bet you cannot imagine life without the two of them either. Big hug and kiss to you all, from Auntie Marlene and Uncle Geoff, xoxoxoxo
What precious pictures, Ren has a beautiful smile. I am so happy for your family, congratulations on your adoption day!
after a long day of studying etc you can only imagine how much seeing these photos has cheered me up. Glad to see that the kids are enjoying one another and Ren appears to be strong, happy and healthy!! He has a beautiful smile, and so do you in all of the photos. You are beaming!! Oh and Paul to, looking handsome as ever.
Can't wait to visit you back home. HOpe the rest of your stay in China is super.
Happy Adoption Day!
I love the stories of the siblings together. The little complaints must actually be music to your ears because they're just being kids.
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