Tuesday, December 23, 2008

In the review room

I've been trying to guess when we'll travel. If we received our Letter Seeking Confirmation very soon, it'd likely be February. However, I got this note from our coordinator yesterday:

I talked to CCAA this Monday, I was told that your file is still in the reviewing room. It will take some time to pass to the office who will issue the Letter Seeking Confirmation.

Based on that, I'm guessing the earliest we could get our letter is a month from now, with travel in March. And that's the earliest. Darn. I have to keep reminding myself that we knew our window was probably anywhere between February and May.

I guess this just gives us more opportunities to send care packages to Ren. I'm gathing his next one now. His orphanage is in the process of moving and they aren't sure of their new mailing address but apparently, waiting families can use the 'old' address and their mail will be forwarded. I'll post a photo of the package when it's ready.


Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Just checking in to see how things were moving along. I love the picture of Ren on the side of your blog...he is GORGEOUS!!!!!

Happy Christmas!


Rae said...

Oh drat! I was hoping you'd have your letter by Christmas.

Good thinking, though, that you can use this time to send more care packages, I can't wait to see what's in the next one.

Shea said...

I'm sorry you won't have the letter before Christmas. I know that's very disappointing. But it's good to keep busy, sending him gifts and getting his room ready. You're getting closer every day...

Stephanie said...

You had hoped to have Ren with your family sooner, but you will have him with you for summer and many Christmases to come. He has enriched your life already and the thoughts and prayers you send him now are a gift at Christmas. Much love from Stephanie.

Gigglestuff said...

I am sorry to hear you have to continue waiting also. I know he will be worth the wait thought. Looking forward to seeing what the next care package will look like :-)

Beth said...

Just more time for getting ready! Too bad, though, it would have been a lovely Christmas present. The time will go fast I'm sure. The past two years sure have:)