Sunday, May 10, 2009

An ode to grandparents

This Mother's Day, I want to recognize a mother's best friend: grandparents! Despite living 500 km away, we've had tremendous support from our parents since we became parents ourselves and especially since we came home with little Renners. My mom and Paul's parents have unfailingly put their lives aside to visit us and our kiddoes. When they are here, they:
  • offer much-needed breaks for Paul and me

  • clean the house

  • repair things around the house and yard

  • complete renovations to upgrade our home

  • take care of one child while I take the other for medical appointments

  • allow Paul to spend more time at work to get things done without sending me to the nuthouse

  • allow me to do things like testdrive minivans to accommodate our growing family (yes, we're taking the plunge with a new Honda Odyssey) and

  • provide wonderful companionship to us.

And those are just the direct benefits to Paul and I as parents. The benefits they bestow on Claire and Ren are endless. When they are here, our parents lavish their undivided attention on the kids, partaking in whatever activity strikes the kids' fancies: playing at the park, having tea parties, playing shopping, doing Play-doh, going for wagon rides, etc. Each activity can go on for hours when an inventive and patient grandparent is involved. When our kids are with their grandparents, we regularly hear their exclamations of delight, hearty belly laughs (Claire) and squeals (Ren!). If all is silent, then that's good too! Then we know our kids are absorbed in concentration, focused on whatever task the grandparent has absorbed them in.

I would be remiss if I didn't also recognize our children's hands-on honourary grandparents, Rod and Marianne. These friends have become a sort of family away from home. The friendship and support they have offered is amazing. They have consistently been there for us when we need a shoulder to cry on, someone to look after Claire during Ren's more intense medical appointments, and just whenever we need a good laugh. Claire adores Marianne and Rod and I know that Ren, as he spends more time with them, will come to love them just as much as his big sister does. To Claire, her Marianne and her Kitchen Boy (aka Rod - it's a long story) are people she feels safe with, people she can be silly with, people she can talk to and people she can count on. If that's not a grandparent, I don't know what is. We feel very fortunate that our children will grow up with yet another set of grandparents who selflessly give of their time, love and attention.

Since our kids are so young, it's unlikely they'll remember actual events or moments spent right now with their grandparents. But I have no doubt that they will remember the pure joy or peace they feel with their grandparents and the unconditional love they receive. As they grow older, Claire and Ren will retain memories of their time with their grandparents and I am sure that time will be remembered as a golden part of their childhoods.

So on Mother's Day, I want to thank my mom Mary, Paul's parents Joanne and Wally and our good friends Rod and Marianne for making my life easier and our children's lives infinitely richer. We are blessed to have you in our lives!


Kim said...

Happy Mother's Day..
Have a wonderful day..

Beth said...

I wholeheartedly agree. Hope you had a terrific day!

Gigglestuff said...

What a lovely post and tribute to grandparents. Happy Mother's Day to you Moms!!

Martigan said...

Beautiful! A very Happy Mother's Day to you Monica.


Rae said...

What a beautiful post, Monica. I hope you had a great day with your little ones!

Kath said...

A beautifully said tribute to grandparents. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day with your two (actually that should be three) darlings.

Shea said...

Beautifully said Monica. I agree completely. I love watching grandparents interact with grandkids, and it's so special for them to have that bond.